The Trailer of Raagdesh launched on 29 June, 2017 at 12 PM in Parliament House with film director Tigmanshu Dhulia and Producer Gurdeep SinghSappal. It's a big thing for any movie that it's officially launched from Parliament. It is the first time Parliament has allowed a Trailer Launch. RaagDesh is a Movie Based on True story of the famous Red Fort Trial of the Three INA Officers that changed the course of India's Azaadi Movement.
 The Film is written and directed by Tigmanshu Dhulia, presented by Rajyasabha Tv and cast includes Kunal Kapoor, Amit Sadh, and Mohit Marwah. Talking About the film Red Fort Trial is one of the most interesting and Relevant part of Our Independence History and RaagDesh is about that Fascinating case. The Film is based on historic INA Officers 1945 Red Fort Trial. The film will be released world wide on July 28.
The First Teaser of Raagdesh establishes the ground for nationalistic movement and trial as it introduces the three Main INA Officers. 
June 29,2017


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